Lumiere Cinema Restaurant Café / Marketing and (visual) communication

In 2023, I had the opportunity to work for a wonderful cultural organization located in the beautiful historic city center of my hometown, Maastricht. Lumière, in addition to showcasing a diverse range of films, also organizes events for various groups, including international students and expats. It offers an excellent dining and drinking experience and plays a significant role in the cultural scene of Maastricht with larger events like the Lumière Open Air Film Festival and Museumnacht Maastricht.

My official title during that year was 'marketing and communication employee,' but my tasks were very diverse, making the job both challenging and enjoyable. These tasks included creating graphic posters and flyers, assisting with the weekly newsletter, planning and creating social media content, setting up karaoke sing-alongs, conducting customer surveys, actively participating in preparations for major events like Museumnacht and the Open Air Film Festival, taking pictures of cocktails and putting up Barbie boxes. In short: never a dull moment.

The work shown below was produced in close collaboration with my colleague from the Marcom department, from whom I learned a lot and am very grateful for.